Our staff is extensively trained and certified in their specialties. They can be contacted directly via e-mail (just click on their name) or by phone on their extensions listed below. -Ann Merin, Founder & Co-Owner, Color Specialist, Great Lengths Extenisionist, Makeup Artist (find out more about Ann) - 949-309-2462 ext. 701 -Kelsey Clay, Co-Owner, Color, Cut & Stylist Specialist, Great Lengths Extensionist, NOVALASH Eyelash Extensionist, Lash Dip Specialist, Makeup Artist (find out more about Kelsey)- 949-309-2462 ext. 704 -Aldo Pimentel, Co-Owner, Color, Cut & Style Specialist -Linda Kim,Cut & Style Specialist, Great Lengths Extensionist, Makeup Artist (find out more about Linda) - 949-309-2462 ext. 702